The Conference
The CADMD series of conferences began in Warsaw in 1994 and is organized annually in Poland and Ukraine. This year we want to continue the tradition of the conference and invite you to one of the oldest cities in Poland - Krakow.
In connection with the quarantine restrictions caused by the spread of coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV in Ukraine and around the world the CADMD 2020 conference was held in online mode.
Conference Programme Conference ProcessTopics of interest
include but are not limited to different aspects of:
- Process control, identification, modeling, simulation of processes and systems.
- Methods and algorithms in CAD.
- Computer applications in engineering.
- CAD in electrical engineering: electronic devices, electrical machines, photooptics.
- Design and implementation of ECAD tools.
- CAD tools in industry 4.0.
- Power Systems and EnvironmentalProtection Facilities.
- Robotics, mechatronics and automation.
- Resonators, micro-optical devices, micro-fluid devices. MEMS integrated implementations.
- Information technology.
- Software, programming and algorithms, databases.
- Engineering education.
- 3D Scanning, Printing, Augmented and Virtual Reality Facilities.
- Intelligent systems and Artificial intelligence.
CADMD'2020 is organized by:
Department of Computer Aided Systems
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
The Institute of Machine Design Fundamentals
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
Official Partner

The Katowice Special Economic Zone is a leader among Polish special economic zones. Over 390 business entities are currently operating in the zone. So far, they have invested approximately PLN 36 billion and created more than 80,000 new jobs here.
The CADMD conference series was started in Warsaw in 1994 and has been organized yearly in Poland and Ukraine.
The goal of the conference is to exchange experience between scientists of Ukraine, Poland and their young, promising colleagues in the field of modern information technologies, development of CAD in mechanics, methodology of teaching and implementation of automated systems in the educational process and to establish closer links between researchers.
This year organizers wanted to continue the conference tradition and invite participants to one of the most attractive city in Ukraine – Lviv, but due to the rapid worldwide spreading of the coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) and announced quarantine in Ukraine and many other EU countries, the CADMD 2020 Organizing Committee has decided to run the conference in a distance on-line form.
This is a new challenge for all of us, and we appreciate participants who have submitted their papers. Each member of the Organization Committee did his best to make the Conference interesting and useful for each participant in order to strengthen our research collaboration and scientific partnership.
There were 24 presented at the conference papers in such topics as:
- information technologies in computer-aided design;
- modeling and simulation of processes and systems in machinery design;
- microelectromechanical systems design, simulation, modeling and application;
- CAD systems in mechatronics, robotics, and automation engineering;
- CAD tools in industry 4.0.;
- engineering Education.
The papers were contributed by 74 authors from such institutions as:
- Ukrainian National Forestry University;
- Lviv Polytechnic National University;
- Poznan University of Technology;
- Warsaw University of Technology;
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
- AGH University of Science and Technology;
- Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic;
- Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University;
- Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University;
- National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic;
- Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz;
- Bialystok University of Technology;
- Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute;
- PGNiG Termika Energetyka Przemysłowa;
- Katowice Special Economic Zone.
The working languages of the conference are English, Polish and Ukrainian.
Conference materials were published online in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Volume 1016, 2021, Online ISSN: 1757-899X, Print ISSN: 1757-8981
Please visit the CADMD 2020 page
Mathematical Modeling of Boundary Stress State of Orthotropic Material
by Sofia Holovata, Yaroslav Sokolovskyy, Bohdan Pobereyko, Andriy Holovatyy
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Design of Parallel Sorting System Using Discrete-Time Neural Circuit Model
by Pavlo Tymoshchuk
Cited 1 times | Cite -
PCB Open, Short and Shift Defects Detection by Logical Comparison of Mask Images
by R. Melnyk, Yu. Havrylko, Ya. Repa
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Methods of Determining Trajectory for Wheelchair with Manual Pushrims Drive
by B. Wieczorek
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Lesson Learned from Semester of Online Teaching of Automation Using Simulators
by Igor Ostrowski, Jakub Możaryn, Jikun Wang, Damian Cukier
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Development and Modeling of Remote Laboratory Works for Engineering Education
by B. Sus, S. Zagorodnyuk, O. Bauzha, A. Kozinetz
Cited 1 times | Cite -
The Golden Ratio Regularities of Decayed Oscillations
by P. Kosobutskyy, N. Jaworski, I. Farmaha, U. Marikutsa, M. Iwaniec
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Mathematical Model of Rheological Behavior of Wood Plate Taking Into Account the Zone of Evaporation of Moisture
by Ya. Sokolovskyy, I. Boretska, I. Kroshnyy, S. Yatsyshyn, O. Storozhuk
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Design Model for Determination of the Strength Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
by Viktor Sylovanyuk, Riy Lisnichuk, Kostiantyn Kolesnyk, Roman Panchak
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Modeling Issues in Problems of the Elasticity and Viscoelasticity Theory
by T. Kagadiy, A. Shporta, I. Scherbina, O. Onopriienko
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Experimental Model of a Mobile Platform for Moving on Orthogonal Routes
by Vitaliy Mazur, Sofiia Panchak
Cited 1 times | Cite -
A Unit for Inflating and Maintaining a Constant Pressure in the Tires During the Movement of a Slow-Moving Vehicle
by K.J. Waluś, M. Kozłowski
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Diagnostics of the Thermal Condition of the Cable Gear Used in the Drive of a Wood Chipper
by P. Krawiec, Ł. Warguła, L. Różański
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Development of IoT Weather Monitoring System Based on Arduino and ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
by Andriy Holovatyy
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Simulation of the Processes in Electrical Engineering Systems via the Two-Point Problem for Telegraph Equation
by Z. Nytrebych, O. Malanchuk
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Information Technology of Robotic Prosthesis Computer-Aided Design Based on Parametric Modeling
by A. Parkhomenko, O. Gladkova, Y. Zalyubovskiy, A. Parkhomenko
Cited 1 times | Cite -
The Use of Cellular Automata in the Study of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Particular During Wood Drying
by Ya. Sokolovskyy, O. Sinkevych, M. Levkovych, V. Shymanskyi, V. Yarkun
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Issues with Belt Guidance and Device Controls in the Automated Conveyor and Drive Belt Perforation Process
by D. Wojtkowiak, K. Talaśka, G. Domek, D. Wilczyński, J. Górecki
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Use of Methods and Technologies of Additive Production for Optimization of Parameters of Designs
by A. Zdobytskyi, M. Lobur, T. Klymkovych, R. Kaczynski, A. Vasiliev
Cited 1 times | Cite -
The Use of Information Systems for Regulation of Gas Engine Operating Parameters
by A. Kalwar, F. Kurdziel, K. Pytel, S. Gumula, M. Lobur, M. Melnyk
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Automatic Control Systems for Operating Gas Engines for a Chilled Water Production
by F. Kurdziel, A. Kalwar, K. Pytel, S. Gumula, U. Marikutsa, D. Korpyljov
Cited 0 times | Cite -
Simulation and Analysis of the Interdigital Transducers Surface Acoustic Waves Generation and Propagation in Acoustophoretic Lab-Chip
by O. Matviykiv, T. Klymkovych, N. Bokla, V. Stakhiv
Cited 1 times | Cite -
Experimental Study of the Time of Reverberation of a Sacred Building Having a Cruciform Architecture
by M. Melnyk, A. Kernyskyy, Y. Mykhalyna, K. Pytel
Cited 0 times | Cite
Citations obtained from Google Schoolar on 22 April 2021
Peer Review Statement
All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.”
Peer Review Declaration
Submitted papers should be in English. Authors should submit original papers, containing new and original results. The material must be unpublished and not under submission elsewhere. Length of a paper is 4-10 full pages, including figures and tables, with page setup to A4 size.
Type of peer review: Open - each submitted paper was evaluated by reviewers, members of the Programme Committee (2-4 reviewers per submission depending on decisions about rejecting or accepting after revision). Their remarks and suggestions were sent back to authors by email in order to facilitate timely preparation of revised papers
- Average number of reviews per paper: 3
- Total number of reviewers involved: 14
- All accepted submissions have passed 30% barrier of similarity index in the IEEE Cross Check system
- Acceptance Rate: 67%
International programme committee
- A.Aboltins Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
- J.Bajkowski Warsaw University of Technology
- M.Banaś AGH University of Science and Technology
- B.Butryło Bialystok University of Technology
- M.Iwaniec AGH University of Science and Technology
- N.Jaworski Lviv Polytechnic National University
- R.Kaczyński Bialystok University of Technology
- A.Kalukiewicz AGH University of Science and Technology
- K.Kołodziejczyk AGH University of Science and Technology
- P.Kosobutsky Lviv Polytechnic National University
- P.Krawiec Poznan University of Technology
- M.Lobur Lviv Polytechnic National University
- A.Łukaszewicz Bialystok University of Technology
- O.Matviykiv Lviv Polytechnic National University
- M.Melnyk Lviv Polytechnic National University
- G.Mieczkowski Bialystok University of Technology
- J.Pokojski Warsaw University of Technology
- K.Pytel AGH University of Science and Technology
- A.Timofiejczuk Silesian University of Technology
- W.Sitek Silesian University of Technology
- R.Sheremeta Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Y.Sokolovskyy Lviv Polytechnic National University
- A.Sołbut Bialystok University of Technology
- M.Zajkowski Bialystok University of Technology
- R.Zalewski Warsaw University of Technology

We would like to inform you that in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV in Ukraine and around the world, the organizing committee provide the possibility of remote participation in the CADMD 2020 conference.
The conference took place in Lviv at the

(Mytropolyta Andreya St., 3, Education building IV, room 320)
Lviv is the most unusual city in Ukraine, and its most colorful. It is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations.
Different eras, architectures, traditions, identities, temperaments, and histories have been woven into the common thread that is Lviv. On one hand, Lviv’s grandness inspires awe in its guests; on the other, its openness, elegance and inimitable warm atmosphere make this city one of the warmest and most hospitable in Ukraine. Lviv is filled with interesting events and outstanding figures.
Today Lviv is more than 760 years old and it has lots of stories to tell you not only as an architectural gem, but also as the modern capital of scientific, spiritual and artistic life.
Welcome to Lviv!
Conference Proceedings Editors
Prof. Mykhailo Lobur
- Conference co-chairman
- Head of Computer-Aided Design Systems Department
- Lviv Polytechnic National University
- 79013, Mytropolyta Andreya St. 3, Lviv, Ukraine
- Tel. +38(032)258-26-74
- E-mail:
Dr. Nazariy Jaworski
- Conference secretary
- Assistant professor of Computer-Aided Design Systems Department
- Lviv Polytechnic National University
- 79013, Mytropolyta Andreya St. 3, Lviv, Ukraine
- Tel. +38(032)258-26-74
- E-mail:
CADMD 2020. Conference address
- Conference secretary: dr. Nazariy Jaworski
-, +38(032)258-26-74
- CAD Systems Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Education building IV, room 320
- 79013, Mytropolyta Andreya St. 3, Lviv, Ukraine 79013, Mytropolyta Andreya St. 3, Lviv, Ukraine